Designing and building a go-kart track is a complex procedure. To make it smooth and aligned with your vision from start to finish, we need high-quality input from you.

We like to tackle this part with you right during the sales phase. This helps us to determine exactly what the scope of the project will be and how best to approach it. It also helps us calculate the indicative budget needed as well as the indicative revenue potential.

Why having this information is crucial?

Good preparation will help with every subsequent phase afterwards. Providing and confirming this information will lead to a more satisfying outcome with the final result. It also helps with the following:

  • A smooth and expedited project with minimal adjustments and corrections needed.
  • Minimal coordination will be needed with a final plan approved earlier on, which helps with efficiencies.
  • There won’t be any ’surprise‘ costs or costs that are associated with needing to consistently change the plans and the design.
  • You get your go-kart track exactly the way you envisioned it.


What we need from you

You’ll provide us with everything we need by filling out the Input Data Request form . Let’s break it down into more digestible components making it easier to systemically complete them one by one.

The exact area allocated to the track and its supporting program

While this may seem obvious, clarifying and dedicating the space on day one is also important. This means specifying the actual surface area needed specifically for the track on top of some additional areas as well, such as:

  • Pit Area
  • Briefing Area
  • Prep Area
  • Go-Kart Maintenance Area

The Maintenance area will be hidden in the background of the whole track, while the other areas are easily accessible to visitors.

The track itself all depends on the available space you have. If you’re looking for a smaller kids-only go-kart option, we’re looking at an area of up to 400 square meters. There are different tiers that range up to a super track , where it’s best developed for spaces from 2800 to 4000 square meters.

Then we start looking at the crowd flow itself. We pay attention to where the entrance of the centre is and design the go-kart track to look attractive and “steal the show” immediately when someone walks in. This is to develop a wow factor to help attract people to come to the go-kart section. Part of helping to attract visitors is an optional glazing on the façade, which can make the track visible to the outside area.

The more information we get about the space in generation, where the other attractions will be and so on, the better we can design integration between the track itself and the rest of the attractions. This helps us build out the best flow.

Columns and other relevant structure disposition

We need to be able to work around relevant structural pieces and e nsure that the space for the track is maximised. Of course, the best option is an open blank area, but that’s not always possible, so we build our design around these pieces. However, we recommend the distance between the pillars be at least 6.5 meters for single lane tracks and at least 13 meters for two lanes. The greater the distance, the more comprehensive the design options.

Clear height of the space

This all depends on whether you’ll be able to have a multi-level track or not. That’s why we have minimums for the height being the ground floor plus an additional five meters for the first level . Then, after that, each additional level requires only 2.5 meters per level.

Entertainment centre vision and target audience

Part of this data input is to get a better understanding of what the theme of the centre will be in general (if any). For example, will it be a gamification centre with laser tag, arcades, and VR systems? Or will it gear towards more active types of centres, such as those with climbing walls, rope courses and trampolines? All of this is relevant to ensure that we design an aesthetically appropriate track.

We also need to understand your target audience so our design team can find a way to offer your customers exactly what they’re looking for . This boosts their satisfaction and makes them come back time after time without forcing you to overspend for things you don’t need.

Approximate budget and timeline

Once we can create the initial designs that you are satisfied with, our team will be able to complete their end with an approximate budget and timeline. Refining the funding will help ensure you’re ready for the investment and can expand or reduce the project as necessary to best fit your budget.

The design also helps us develop an accurate timeline to stick to once everything is decided upon beforehand. Any deviations could lead to compounding delays that can expand the timeframes and possibly the budget.

Knowing the client’s desired opening date is crucial for planning and meeting deadlines for required documents, permits, and loans. This includes designing and preparing engineering documents needed for successful submission.


Getting Started

To get everything moving, we’ll need some initial documentation for our 360K design team:

A complete floorplan as well as a section view with dimensions (or a scale), with all support structures labelled out . We’ll also need the dedicated track area space outlined and the location of the primary entrance point .

The better quality and format we’re able to get this in, the faster we can proceed, so we always look for CAD drawings where possible, but we can start with PDF-based drawings or plan scans as well. If you don’t have that, you can include the following (as long as all the dimensions are included):

  • A scan of the plans
  • Image file
  • Hand sketches

Now, remember that eventually, we will help to develop a 3D model for you using a Business Information Modelling (BIM) tool known as ArchiCAD . So if you have advanced 3D file formats to share (either in .ifc or .pla formats), we can easily import those to get started. Please do keep in mind that we’ll still request 2D drawings to cross-reference everything.


In the end

We’re here to help build you a great investment for your entertainment centre and don’t want to delay any part of it . Guiding you every step of the way, we ensure that your vision becomes a reality and that the input data request portion is thoroughly completed and as accurate to your plan as possible. Please find the instructions for input data here.

With this crucial exercise out of the way, we’re one step closer to getting your go-kart system properly designed, built and installed.


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